How You Start – is How You Finish

When you stop to think about this, I expect you’ll find its true in a great many areas of life.  However in this instance, I’m talking about the idea of wellness and more specifically the wellness gained from being at a healthy weight.  For many people, the battle of achieving their healthy weight lies in a failure to develop a consistent eating plan to combine healthy habits and that works within their normal lifestyle with family and friends.

Two important points –

  • Develop a Plan

You will see in the Self Strategy pages of the Plexiom site, a need for developing your plan to ensure you are making good decisions for eating and living.

Most people who are busy with work and life are often in a rush so they eat as time is available.  This often leads to eating whatever food is also available – usually bad.

The successful method is to specifically your plan diet around times and good food.  That will help you to eliminate the binge eating you experience when eating “on the fly”.

A very important piece to planning is in understa

nding your daily calorie requirements/limits based on your lifestyle and weight loss desires.  These calculations can be found online or through mobile apps.

  • Work within normal family and friends schedules

A great challenge to someone who is trying to change their habits and weight is they often set themselves on a course that is in conflict with others in their lives.  Family time is often best at the dinner table.  Friend time is also frequently based around meals.

By building your plan around schedules of family

and friends, you can enjoy the benefits of social interaction with those most important to you.  It is not necessary to require your efforts be in conflict with others.  It is often this very conflict that leads you to sabotage your own efforts.

How You Start?

Build your plan with the end in mind.  That is, on a daily basis, think about your dinner menu in the morning.  It doesn’t necessarily have to be fully planned, but understand what expectations are for dinner.   What is on the menu for the family?  What are your plans to meet up with friends etc.  With those understood, plan your diet needs for earlier meals so as to accommodate a good dinner.

I prefer to start with a small calorie breakfast.  I gen

erally will have a meal replacement shake under 200 calories.  The balance of the work day will include apples, bananas, or other fruits or healthy snacks spread throughout the day to avoid or limit hunger.  This plan allows for a significant cushion of calories reserved for the dinner meal.

How You Finish?

Enjoy a good healthy dinner.

Through the planning process, you can see that by “banking” calories earlier in the day, the stress of dietary conflict with family or friends is greatly reduced and you can enjoy this time with equally reduced stress.

It is this planning piece that allows you the greatest opportunity to live a more normal life.  With good planning, you can limit your caloric intake during the day knowing you will have a good solid meal in the evening.  For me, knowing I’ll have a good dinner make the day worthwhile.

Good Luck and let me know if I can help!

Plexus Worldwide

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