If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Benjamin Franklin


new mindset new results smallThat’s an old saying but remains in our relevant because its been proven to be true so many times.

Many people work very hard at their jobs or professions.  Their work involves developing plans to accomplish a complicated or longer term goal.  Planning for work is the standard process everyone is used to.  Why then do we not bring that same planning concept to our personal lives?  Why do we think wondering through an unstructured day we will accomplish our personal goals at the same rate as our professional goals?

Interestingly, that’s exactly how the vast majority of people live.

In order for you – or anyone – to gain some lasting results in life, its important to plan for success.  Why?  Because outside of lottery winnings, people don’t just “bump into” a successful life.

Ok – so how do I start?  How do I develop a personal plan for success?  As many things in life, it is more simple than you might first imagine.  For instance, how do you start your day?  Do you roll out of bed, crawl to the shower, somehow manage to drag yourself to Starbucks for a “un-nutritious” breakfast of coffee and muffin?  That is definitely plan to fail!

How do you think your day would go if you woke up with an alert mind and your prepared to use that focus on your initial daily activities and get yourself ordered to make the day productive and fulfilling?  That would be great but I don’t see how I could start that quickly.  The truth is, these types of days don’t happen without some pre-planning.

And that’s where we’ll begin.  Let’s see how easy it is to start your day with a focused approach and send yourself out to conquer the world.


blue block - PLANNING STEPS

Plexus Worldwide

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